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Monday, March 7, 2011

How to control low blood pressure OR hypo tension

Hypo tension cures

Hypo tension or low blood pressure is a dip in your blood pressure below the normal range. Normal range may varies from person to person.. Normal blood pressure is defined as 120/80 and if a person’s blood pressure is lower than the normal, then we may say a person is suffering from this condition. Hypo tension makes your heart weak. You may feel Lethargic, weak, dizzy, fatigued and may faint,these are some common symptoms of low blood pressure.

Improper diet and malnutrition are the most important causes of low blood pressure. Malnutrition occurs due to the lack of enough calories, proteins, vitamins B and vitamin C. Some additional cause of low blood pressure may include- loss of blood and emotional instability in a person.

Low blood pressure could be treated in different ways. Below are some ways to achieve hypo tension cure instantly:

Beetroot:-By having a cup of beetroot juice or having one beet root as salad everyday without fail helps to control our low blood pressure. For better results,have it twice daily. Considerable improvement will definitely happen.

Indian spikenard :--It is a very effective remedy for the treatment of low blood pressure.The doses should be of thirty to forty grains at a time. Always add a pinch of a camphor and cinnamon while having this herb.We can also make the concoction by steeping one table spoon of the herb in 250 ml of boiling water remove it from fire when it is half the content. take it 3 times a day.

The use of salt in low blood pressure show good results. Until and unless the blood pressure reaches to its normal levels through good diet and other home or medicinal remedies, it is necessary that the patient should consume salty foods and half a teaspoon of salt in water, daily.


As we all know low blood pressure is caused by malnutrition,therefore intake of enough protein rich food , vitamins B complex and vitamin C helps in a long run in treating the low blood pressure.Pantothenic acid has been found very beneficial in taking care of low blood pressure.therefore sufficient consumption of all these vitamins and other nutrients helps in raising the blood pressure definitely.Low blood pressure is not considered as dangerous as high blood pressure though.But hypo tension as the condition is also referred to should not be taken too lightly.

Epsom Salts Bath:-- It is said to be the simplest remedy for treating low blood pressure. It is made to prepare in the ordinary bath of hot water by mixing nearly one and half kg of commercial Epsom Salt. The patient is advised to remain dipped in the bathtub for 10 to 20 minutes at a stretch.Best results could be obtained if the bath is taken just before retiring to may catch cold so keep yourself warm after the bath .

Fruit for low blood pressure:--- Fruits should be a main part of the treatment for low blood pressure.As it rejuvenate the whole system.Eat fruits as much as you can. They will help you to raise your blood pressure.It is a common phenomenon during pregnancy and yet hardly any attention is paid to it the women should learn to look after themselves and have ample amount of fruits and salad to keep the pressure in check at the time of their pregnancy.

Light walking, cycling, swimming and breathing exercises go long way in treating low blood pressure Spend some time in fresh air you will feel relaxed and happy as low blood pressure causes depression.Keep your self engaged in some activity so that you will not suffer from emotional break down.
see that you have clear bowls every morning you may have triphala every morning with warm water to get relief.never avoid visiting a doctor as you need to know how is your overall health and what is the level of your blood pressure ,if medication is needed you must go for it and then latter use these home remedies to help yourself.
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